Welp #1 (Microblog)

I've started this book! Wow! Microblog #1.

So! 1984. A book about the year 1984 (aptly named so)

So we're going back to dinosaur times is what it looks like. Interesting!


This book covers a dystopian future (past?) that describes a government known as the 'party' taking over the country of England and making the country totalitarian.

There are many interesting aspects of society that are highlighted in the book, and its cool to see the way that they interact when put to extremes. I like to think that the point of a dystopia or utopia is to take the little flaws of society and extend them to the point that everything seems like it is almost gonna explode!

(A quick theoretical graph - the green is 'good' and the uh whatever the other is would be 'bad')

One quick interesting thing to mention - Recently, there has been a lot of talk about an FBI dude watching you through your monitor. You know, like these

Image result for FBI meme

Yeah so basically this is taken to the negative extreme in the book. There are a bunch of people doted the 'thought police.' After extreme monitoring, they come to houses and arrest people who have supposedly had 'negative thoughts.'

It's just one example of these extremes in society that are treated as jokes today.

Watch out. The dude in your computer IS coming for you. In the year 1984, that is. 40 years from now.



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